Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to Close a Sale

Closing a sale is one of the most important steps in a network marketing business and one of the most neglected and feared of the sales process, but learning how to close a sale will catapult your profits.

  • Don't use aggressive sales tactics.  Your prospects and customers will resent you and buyers remorse is not something you want for your business.  It also makes you appear desperate and it intimidates your buyer/prospect.
 So what do you do?  You ask questions and then you shut up.  Simple.  Ask them about what they need and why they need it.  When they answer your questions, ask 'why is that important to you?'
Soon, you will have all the information you need to direct your prospect to your product or service.

For example this is how to close a sale when you are meeting with someone interested in your business opportunity.  

You:  Hi John, thanks for meeting with me.  So how can I help you?
John: I thought you were going to tell me about your business opportunity.
You:  Yes, why are you looking for a business opportunity?
John:  I'm looking to make extra income.
You: Why?
John:  Because I'm worried about losing my job, planning for retirement, children going to college (whatever they say)
You:  Why is that important to you?

As you can see, if you keep asking why, John will keep talking.  People like talking about themselves.  Once you get to the core of what and why they are meeting with you, for instance in the example above, you may find out that John is worried about college expenses for his kids and knows that the way things are going now with the economy, he has to find another way to make money otherwise college is not going to happen.

Now you have a solution.  Your business opportunity.  (this scenario can go for selling a product, a service or anything).  John has just told you all his fears and needs.  All you have to do now is tell him a little bit about your solution for him and then close them.  

How to close a sale?  ASK for the sale.  "how do you want to pay for that?"  " let's get your information so I can start your training right away so you can start making money for your kids college"   This is the step that people are afraid to do.  Your prospect just told you what he needs, you have a solution, now offer it to them and close it up.

Simple, right?

If you'd like more information and training on how to close a sale, sign up for our free 7 day marketing e-course .

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